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Wednesday 1 August 2012

Graduate jobs: Getting on the right degree

First some good news: a lot of what is reported about university education is myth and rumour. For instance, the notion that young people should choose their degree course principally on the basis of future employability doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

“Half of the graduate jobs available do not demand a particular degree,” says Paul Teulon, head of admissions at King’s College London. “There is a very limited number of degrees that actually prepare people for specific jobs. Most employers are looking for a good degree from a respected university, although they will expect institutions to provide undergraduates with some kind of job preparation in the shape of internships and campus work experience.”

While this allows students more room for manoeuvre and makes choosing a course less stressful, the bad news is that although recent reports show that demand for places has slipped by around 9 per cent following the increase in fees, government funding for university places is also down; there will be around 15,000 fewer places available for September 2012.

The number of courses is also down by around 20,000, and university recruitment departments are warning that students should take greater care than ever when filling in their application forms.

Surprisingly, some applicants still get the basics wrong. “It may be an obvious thing to point out, but prospective undergraduates should ensure that they have the right grades listed against the right A-levels,” says Teulon. “They should also check that they have any GCSE subjects essential to their course. For example, a degree in midwifery and nursing may require maths GCSE. Not having the relevant subjects and qualifications means being taken out of the application process early.”

Diligent research is vital. “Some students will have a solid idea of the subjects they want to study and where they would like to study them, but others may be less certain,” says David Moyle, schools and colleges liaison manager at Aberystwyth University.

“Either way, they need to spend time researching the courses available. There are thousands to choose from in hundreds of different locations, so it’s important to begin narrowing the field at the earliest opportunity. That way, applicants will reduce the chances of making hasty and uninformed choices.”

Moyle stresses that the personal statement should be clear and focused: “Applicants need to explain their motivation for wanting to study a particular discipline. They should also refer to the knowledge, skills and other attributes they have to offer that are relevant to the subject, or subjects they hope to study.”

Rebecca Gaukroger, head of admissions at the University of Edinburgh, adds that while it’s rare to see a very poor personal statement these days, “basic errors and spelling mistakes still slip through, showing the text hasn’t been proofread properly. This may not necessarily seem of great importance, but in the competitive world of university applications it could get a prospective student disqualified.”

In the last couple of years universities have seen an increase in plagiarised personal statements. “Ucas will pick up on that and let us know,” warns Gaukroger. “Plagiarism could certainly be a reason for early disqualification from the application process.”

Although the competition for some university places is fierce, students should investigate the application ratios and not be deterred if the numbers are 15, 20 or 25 applications per space. After all, each student is applying to five universities and, as Teulon concedes, “even Russell Group universities know that they won’t always be selected as first choice, so they offer more spaces than are available.

“Also, some published ratio statistics are historical and it’s worth asking admissions tutors at open days whether the course numbers have grown and how many places are currently available.”

Each university will deal with applications in its own way, but all the institutions stress that for 2012 and beyond, attitude is everything – and it is here that their advice echoes that of employers.

“Students should not take their foot off the pedal just because they have an offer of a place,” says Gaukroger. “They have to ensure that they make the very best of their time at university and bear in mind that a 2.1 is no longer enough, especially with the big employers, who will be taking into account everything from their A-level results to how they have made use of their free time at university.”

If anything, the pressure for places demands a somewhat philosophical approach to university study. “The modern student has to be a global citizen, contributing to the community,” advises Gaukroger. “They have to be reflective, aware of what is going on in the world around them and responsive to it and, crucially, filling in the gaps in their education as they progress. A degree application is a student’s first opportunity to show how they are doing this.”

Source: Chris Moss, Telegraph.co.uk, Tuesday 31st July 2012

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