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Friday 10 August 2012

Community Energy Scotland welcomes graduate to Stornoway office

In a time when graduate jobs are thin on the ground throughout the UK, Community Energy Scotland are pleased to welcome recent graduate Kirsten MacDonald to the team, in a the newly created role of Assistant Development Office in the Western Isles.
Kirsten, from Stornoway, graduated in June from the University of Edinburgh with a Masters Degree in Physics, joined Community Energy Scotland last week –just in time to see the arrival and installation of the Horshader Community Turbine, a project which Community Energy Scotland has supported.
Kirsten said: “I am delighted that I got the job, and will be able to use my interest in renewable energy to help communities in the western isles benefit from their own resources. I think it’s great that Community Energy Scotland are helping to create jobs which attract people to areas which are struggling with de-population.”
Nicholas Gubbins, CEO of Community Energy Scotland said: “We are delighted to welcome Kirsten to the team. As a charity, Community Energy Scotland has an ethos of providing opportunities for young graduates to return to their home community in a role which allows them to fulfil their full potential. It’s really a win-win situation for both the graduate and our organisation.”
Kirsten joins Community Energy Scotland’s established development officer for the western isles, Kathleen Macdonald, who like Kirsten, returned to Lewis with Community Energy Scotland after completing her degree at Strathclyde University.
Source: Stornawaygazette.co.uk, Friday 10th August 2012

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