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Friday 1 June 2012

Many students not considering their graduate career when choosing their university course

Less than a fifth of students had a graduate career in mind before choosing their course.

A new study from Milkround has indicated that only 19% of students had considered their graduate career before choosing their university course. The Milkround study looked at 1,730 students indicates that the majority of students do not consider their future graduate careers when initially choosing their courses.

The study also indicated that graduates were not confident in finding graduate jobs after graduating with 42% indicating that the media had lead them to believe it was difficult. The current state of the economic environment with only 4% feeling optimistic about it and a further 11% think they will feel better about it in the next six months.

Students were also asked what worried them the most about finding a graduate job, 69% felt that there was too much competition, with 55% feeling that there was not enough graduates. Graduates also felt that the job requirements for graduate roles were too high despite feeling that they could succeed in the roles.

Milkround Spokesperson Mike Bernard has called for students to be “given the information needed to make informed career decisions”, including information about potential industries, how to get work experience whilst studying and encouraging students to use their careers services earlier, planning in advance for their graduate career.

Source: Pareto.co.uk, Friday 1st June 2012

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