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Tuesday 5 June 2012

Graduate job search heats up with graduates looking for work much earlier

High Fliers Research report indicates graduates applying much earlier.

A new report from High Fliers Research indicates that graduates are applying for their graduate jobs much earlier. The study looked at the views of 17,000 final year students, it has indicated that not only are students apply earlier they are also less likely to take gap years as graduates start looking for their graduate careers earlier. Only 12% of those interviewed were considering taking a gap year after their studies.

The research shows that 42% of graduates had applied for graduate jobs in October with over two thirds having applied by the end of February. The research has also shown that students have been applying on mass with the volume of applications rising by a massive 40% in the last two years.

Martin Birchall the managing director of High Fliers research has this to say; ‘Three years ago, when the recession first took hold, many students felt there was little point in looking for a graduate job in such a tough employment market and instead opted to take time off, go travelling or enrol for further study at university… Today's students aren't necessarily more confident about the graduate job market but have been fighting really hard to secure the jobs that are on offer from employers’

Marketing leads the way with applications for graduate jobs with other job areas seeing a return to pre credit crunch levels. Some jobs however have seen a fall in applications namely law, engineering and the armed forces. The job cuts in the public sector have also been noted by graduates with a large drop in those looking to work in the public sector after graduating.

The report also showed that graduates continue to prefer a move to work in the capital after graduation.

Source: Pareto.co.uk, Thursday 31st May 2012

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