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Monday 21 May 2012

Science careers under the microscope

What do you get when you mix popular family science shows such asBang Goes the Theory with particle-physicist professor Brian Cox and natural-world treasure Sir David Attenborough? The answer is an explosive enthusiasm for science among the general public and, though not scientifically proven, a possible reason for a recent surge in the number of undergraduates applying for science degrees in the hope of an exciting career path.
In 2011 there was a rise in demand for all university courses as studentsraced to beat the higher university fees regime starting this autumn but, even so, science snuck ahead of its arts rivals, according to Ucas figures, with physics applications up by 11.7% on 2010, biology up 6.8% and chemistry up 3.5%. Compare that to no change in applications for English and a rise of just 2.4% for history.
Encouraging noises from employers also galvanised interest. They say they want to employ graduates of science, technology, engineering and maths (know as the Stem subjects) because of their "analytical, problem-solving, numeracy and intellectual-rigour skills", according to the National Higher Education Stem Programme – even if some graduates of these very subjects still seem to struggle to get a foot on the career ladder.
Charlie Ball, deputy director of research at the Higher Education CareersServices Unit, says: "The recession hasn't been kind to science graduates for a bunch of reasons. Cuts in the public sector have hit life science graduates wanting clinical roles in the NHS and the ongoing problems in the pharmaceuticals sector have hit those in chemistry and pharmacology. Plus changes in the research councils, where they have been cutting their cloth, is making research funding difficult to get.
"That said, there are industries that are doing well, such as oil and gas, which have bucked the recession, especially in exploration, which needs engineers, geologists and geophysicists. They not only need to get the oil out of the ground and keep rigs going but they are constantly looking for new reserves."
He says that "fracking" is an obvious development that requires scientists and will have many and well-paid options … "so long as you are willing to travel. Science graduates have to be more flexible and if they are the awards can be great."
Another vibrant area is small business manufacturing. Ball says there are opportunities in hi-tech manufacturing, biosciences, life sciences and biotechnology and he points to the materials sector providing opportunities for chemists whether it is their input into developing building materials or sports kit. He reckons job hunters often neglect pigments, paint and lubricants.
Ball says: "These companies keep industry going and there is a lot of research going on." Agricultural science is also relatively fertile ground, with Ball adding: "A lot of the people are chemists, plant scientists and biologists. Graduates do have to consider their personal views about this sector as it covers fertilisers and pesticides and genetically modified foods. But feeding the population is a huge challenge and the UK has a significant presence in this area of research."


The Institute of Physics says the subject is fashionable: with students taking the subject at A-level rising by 19.6% in the past five years compared with a 7.7% rise across all subjects. Career paths for physics whizzes can be found in areas such as nuclear, space technology and computer games industries, all of which are predicted to grow over the next few years, the institute says.
According to a 2011 report by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (Nesta) for the government, about 20% of graduates working in the £2bn-a-year UK computer games industry have a degree in maths, physics, engineering or other science but it also suggests physics graduates – whose skills help the games look more realistic – consider the area; and they get paid more than their non-physics counterparts, too. The £7.5bn UK space sector employs more than 24,000 people and is expected to grow to £14bn by 2020.


Paul Jackson, chief executive of Engineering UK, an independent organisation promoting the importance of engineering to the UK, says graduates looking beyond traditional areas such as manufacturing, industry and construction are finding exciting opportunities in areas such as alternative energy, where engineering skills are required to help develop solar, wind and tide technologies. Jackson says: "They are all looking at effective ways to store the energy, for example." Other hot areas include Formula One racing, with the UK a leader in this area. Jackson says: "They employ a lot of engineers, especially electrical engineers."
Even in construction, which has been in the doldrums, there are new areas of opportunity for developing energy-efficient buildings.


Bioscience graduates embark on a wide range of careers in both research and industry, says Dr Mark Downs, chief executive of the Society of Biology. He says: "The first step towards being a research scientist is to do a PhD, often funded by a government research council. Academic research in biology covers everything from biodiversity to neuroscience. I think food security is one of the most exciting areas of study at the moment: how are we going to feed a growing population in an environmentally sustainable way?
"Drug discovery is also changing rapidly. Chronobiology is a hot topic: studying our body's circadian rhythm. It is revealing that different drugs will be more effective if they are delivered at specific times of day. Our growing understanding of epigenetics – how the structure of DNA is important, not just the genetic code – is already altering the way we view certain diseases."
When it comes to industry, Downs says biology jobs crop up everywhere. He says: "You only need to walk around the supermarket to see how many scientists were involved with filling the shelves. From ensuring that cosmetics and medications are safe, to developing the varieties of crops we are familiar with, scientists are vital. Companies developing prescription drugs have a variety of openings too, from multinational pharmaceutical companies to small biotech startups."
Science communication and public engagement has potential for biologists, with museums, conservation organisations, businesses and magazines on the look out for scientists who are good communicators. The society's spokeswoman Rebecca Nesbit says biologists are adaptable: "It is easier to teach law to a biologist than biology to a lawyer."
Many biology graduates would be green with envy at Robert Hollingworth's job. The 32-year-old former Bath University biology student has combined his academic qualifications with a love of photography to become a natural history cameraman. While at Bath he also attended many lectures and workshops at the BBC's Natural History Unit in Bristol and Wild Screen, while honing other practical skills through lighting work at the Theatre Royal in Bath.
He has just completed work on Kingdom of Plants 3D with Sir David Attenborough, to be shown on Sky 3D and Sky Atlantic HD on 26 May. Hollingsworth says: "My biology knowledge has been vital. You need to know how a plant or animal is going to behave in a particular habitat. You also need to be able to communicate with the scientists." Kingdom of Plants, which involved Hollingsworth patiently filming plants at Kew Gardens for long spells to capture them bursting into bloom, including the Queen of the Night cactus, which flowers for night only each year, is his first major camera credit.
It is not an easy career path to join, he admits: "Perseverance and passion are key. For a long time I did weddings, events photography, PR shots, and developed a stock archive all of which helped hone my skills and enabled me to concentrate on the natural history."

Computing and IT

Graduates of IT can sometimes be blinkered, thinking the only sensible career paths are with the big-name technology companies such as Google or Microsoft, according to Joanna Poplawska, performance director of The Corporate IT Forum. She says: "Less than half of IT graduates go into IT, with many working in the non-IT areas, helping businesses use technology to grow. They just have to realise there are plenty of exciting opportunities out there. It's realising that buying a carton of orange juice involves a lot of information technology skills, starting from the plantations to the packaging to the recording of the transaction when you pay for it."
Romeena Mann, 27, graduated with a degree in business management and computing from Brunel University in 2007 and is now a manager in the global IT strategy division of healthcare firm GlaxoSmithKline, specialising in monitoring IT developments in the outside world. West London-based Romeena joined the company's IT graduate programme in 2008 after previously securing a work placement there as part of her degree. She says: "I find out about latest trends and look at promoting it and how technology can add to the business. I really enjoy what I'm doing as the technology changes so fast and I'm always learning something new. The great thing about a career in IT is you learn transferable skills. You can choose technical or non-technical."


Chemistry graduates heading along more classic career routes have been hampered lately by the cyclical downturn in the pharmaceutical sector and the contraction in areas such as the printing industry. But the Royal Society of Chemistry says most graduates find work quickly and points to several areas with opportunities, including sustainability, nanotechnology, and the nuclear industry as well as pure research, research and development, analytical chemistry, quality control and policy. The society's careers adviser Charlotte Ashley-Roberts says: "Some do accounting or patent law and quite a few go into publishing. In fact, we take on 35 students a year into our publishing division."

The prescription for success

Kirtana Vallabhaneni, who is about to sit her chemistry, biology, maths and English literature A-levels, is the 17-year-old winner of UK Young Scientist of the Year 2012, sponsored by organisations including the Big Bang Fair and the British Science Association.
The student of West Kirby Grammar School, who needs three As and a C to take up her place in September on a medicine course at University College London, impressed the judges (including a Nobel prize winner) with a presentation on her work on a research project at Liverpool University, a four-week placement she gained by applying for a Nuffield Foundation science bursary.
She worked with a team identifying harmful cells that cause pancreatic cancer and how to target them with chemotherapy. Vallabhaneni says: "I spent a lot of time cultivating and growing cells and keeping them alive. It changed my perception of science. Some people think working in a lab is tedious but I found it satisfying." She adds: "I am interested in cellular biology and what happens when things go wrong with DNA."
Source: Sally Hamilton, Guardian.co.uk, Friday 18th May 2012

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