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Tuesday 8 May 2012

Chester graduates funding boost

University chiefs have received a huge grant to continue a scheme which has helped graduates gain employment.

The Graduate Headstart Scheme, which could help shape national policy, has been given a further £1.74m so the University of Chester could continue the programme until at least 2013.

The original three-year project was worth £3.56 million and the extra funds will mean scores of other graduates will be able to obtain additional skills needed to secure a job.

Alison Hamill, who took part in the project last October, said: “I was struggling to get past the interview stage when applying for jobs.

“The five-week placement helped me to develop skills and confidence while also introducing me to the world of work and contacts you could only make from being in the work environment. The European Computer Driving Licence also helped me stand out from other graduates.

“Only weeks after the programme I was successful in getting a permanent job and I have recently secured a temporary promotion to a graduate level role.”

The project's focus is the testing and evaluating of innovative methods of providing graduate employability skills by the six partner institutions, which include the Universities of Chester, Cumbria, Bolton, Manchester Metropolitan, Salford and UCLan.

Work has also been undertaken with EU partners in France, Spain and Germany, to identify and benchmark best practice that has an inward benefit to the UK.
The project aims to inform EU and Government policy on graduate employability and to identify best practice for subsequent mainstreaming.

Source: Robert Platt, Chesterfirst.co.uk, Tuesday 8th May 2012

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