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Saturday 5 May 2012

Post-graduate tweets his way to $37,000 job

A social media savvy post-graduate has landed a $37,000 fellowship with a leading American University, and all thanks to his tweets.
Rahul Rathi regularly uses social media sites to communicate with friends, but decided to use his Twitter skills to secure the prestigious US position.
Instead of sending in traditional applications the University of Iowa has introduced a 140-word application “tweet”, where candidates must demonstrate why they are ideal for the position.
To further enhance their application candidates can add links to their blog, video essay or slideshow to show off their skills portfolio. However, this addition must fall within the character limit.
The 25-year-old technology buff from India won 2012’s competition with his answer to the question: “What makes you an exceptional Tippie Full-time MBA candidate and future MBA hire? Creativity encouraged!”
The student has been a Twitter member for three years, and the winning tweet said: “in an age where packaging is as imp as content, I present myself in a manner that makes me stand out from the crowd”. The tweet also included a link to a photo slideshow.
Rathi praised the site as the perfect 21st century communication medium.
“Twitter has gained tremendous popularity owing to the growing number of users. It is now the one stop shop for all the latest news from around the world,” he said.
“It has great potential for marketing as well as for expanding the reach of an organisation,” he added.
Below are some ways you can use social media to find your ideal graduate job:
Use different sites for different purposes
Employers love well-rounded individuals who as well as having work experience in their chosen sector, also devote time to other areas in their lives. With each social networking site you will always need to put your best foot forward, but each can be designed to show off a different facet of your personality. Use Facebook to show the cream of what you do in your leisure time, LinkedIn to demonstrate your portfolio of skills and Twitter to update the current developments in your working life.
Let the work find you
Post a notice on your wall that you are looking for work and friends, family and other contacts will spread the message far and wide, potentially landing you your first position. Putting key words in your interests may also help your profile be picked up more easily by search engines. You can also use the site to act as a platform for your blog or small business, through the creation of a Facebook page and ask others to ‘like’ it to increase the page’s and your popularity.
Source: Gradplus.com, Saturday 5th May 2012

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